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Here's How & Why You Should Vote!

Something that I'm passionate about is politics! If you know me personally, I may not talk about it much, but I firmly believe that everyone should exercise their right to vote. Ever since I turned the legal voting age of 18, I made it my responsibility to vote in every single election, whether it was a midterm or presidential election.


Why Voting Matters

In my personally philosophy, I would much rather have a say in what is going on around me. Whether or not you like politics, these are important issues that impact your everyday life. If you live in Illinois, this year we will be voting on an important tax amendment. By skipping voting, you are letting yourself be silenced. This year, I encourage you to start the habit of voting. Make yourself be heard through your vote. Not all voting is focused on the presidential election. There are important decisions being made about the leaders who will represent your communities. Inform yourself on the right candidates that most represent your values, and register to vote now!


So I Registered to Vote, What's Next?

After registering to vote, go out and research the politicians that are running in your area. Many of them have social media campaigns that are very helpful for learning more about them. An easy way to learn what your ballot will look like is by looking up a sample ballot.

Make sure you take the proper safety precautions to go out and vote. If you feel unsure about voting, you can request a mail-in ballot to be delivered to your home. If not, there are early voting polls available in certain locations. Whatever your choice of preferred voting method, make your voice be heard!


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